Create Facebook Fundraiser

It’s easy to create a Facebook Fundraiser!
To get started, visit and follow these instructions:

In the “Raise money” section, click “Select nonprofit” on the “Raise money for a nonprofit” card.

Begin typing “a forever home” in the search box that appears in the “Choose a nonprofit” dialog box.

Select “A Forever-Home Rescue Foundation” in “Chantilly, VA” from the list of nonprofits (make sure you get the one in Chantilly!)

In the left-hand column, make any desired edits (e.g. fundraising target, fundraiser end date) and click the “Create” button at the bottom of the column

Personalize your fundraiser cover image (the ideal image size is 851 x 315 pixels)

Share your fundraiser with whatever audience – on or off of Facebook – you’re comfortable sharing!